Monday, December 28, 2009

A Decision and a Question

I think I've finally decided on a shape for my BJP pieces this year. This would be after considering a minimum of half a dozen options! The first year of the BJP I made journal quilts that measured 8.5" x 11." I discovered that that was too big for the kind of beadwork I really wanted to try. So I've been trying to find a smaller size that feels comfortable... but not too small. I took a 4 x 6" rectangle and made a diamond out of it. My expectation is that I can bead heavily in the center and then let the beads become more sparse as I approach the edges. Ultimately I plan to finish these the same way I would a fiber postcard. I may add a ribbon or cord so they can be hung as an ornament too. I'm finally excited - instead of nervous - about starting on the first one!

I've visited the other two BJP blogs and see that the participants are listed in the sidebar. Is there a blog mistress who will take care of that for this blog?

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