Thanks for all the support - great ideas for this spirit doll (and the next) and the best thing - I'm done!
February doll
Oh, and the complicated bit. I've moved my blog and changed the name. That which was: "Frequently Wrong But Never in Doubt" is now "I am not a handbag" - and can be found at that domain.
The old URL points to the new blog, but if you could change me it would be great!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I finally finished February's piece. Wasn't sure that was going to happen this month! But, it did, and it's posted on my BLOG. You can find it by looking under "Karen J".
Thanks to everyone that looks and comments. It makes my day to see what people have to say about my work.
Thanks to everyone that looks and comments. It makes my day to see what people have to say about my work.
February Finished in February!
I managed to finish February's piece during February. Wonders never cease! Since my work life is unpredictable, I tend to bead in bursts. (Maybe that explains February's design, lol) You can view it on my blog Bead Journal Reflections.
Everyone is doing such beautiful work, and I hope to get a chance to share some compliments later today.
Everyone is doing such beautiful work, and I hope to get a chance to share some compliments later today.
March piece, "Extremes", is done
I finished and am a little ahead of schedule. If you would like to see and read about my March piece, please visit my blog. Thank you!
Indigo's Beads
Indigo's Beads
Storage Solution
I've a post on my blog for my system of storing Delica or size 11 seed beads. When selecting beads for a project, I really like to look at the beads in daylight by a window. Storing the beads in books certainly makes for a portable, easy system.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
February Round Peg in a Square Hole done!
Hi all - just finished my February piece using a Basse Taille enamel. I got juried into a group of artists where we have one show a year (Nov) so now I have items to make for the show. Not sure if I should sell off the 10-11 BJP pieces for this year before I complete the series. Any comments?
Well everyone, have a BEADY good day. Karen
February bjp on Kaite's Yarngarden
My BJP for February is up on the blog Yarngarden and here's a link to it. It's a link just to that post so for those who are on a limited internet useage like me, you don't have to download the whole blog just to see my Feb bjp. Enjoy, Kaite
March Comes Early!
I had the extra free time and realized I had better grab it now to bead for March. If I didn't, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it done ~ even as simple as it is. Free-time is at an all time low with me lately so best use it while I've got it!
It's a very simple piece and one I'm quite happy with actually. You can view it and read about it here. Enjoy!
It's a very simple piece and one I'm quite happy with actually. You can view it and read about it here. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
February BJP
Hey Beady people! I loved creating the February BJP entitled "Purple Passion". I love February and celebrate my birthday, Valentine's Day and our wedding anniversary all month. I choose an amethyst (February) birthstone and went from there. This piece was very nostalgic for me. As I beaded, the piece reminded me of one of my favorite childhood books called Harold and the Purple Crayon. For those of you unfamiliar with that book, Harold is a child who carries a purple crayon. Harold uses his crayon to create the story. The crayon fulfills his dreams which I love. This piece brought wonderful memories to my mind. Purple Passion is updated on my blog at
I've already begun my March BJP being enthused by my recent visit to the Tucson Rock & Gem show, African Village.
Bead on! Victoria
I've already begun my March BJP being enthused by my recent visit to the Tucson Rock & Gem show, African Village.
Bead on! Victoria
You might want to check out...
my latest post about the creative process with our BJP pages. Writing it was stimulated by Sharkeysday and Kali.
Robin A.
Robin A.
February's meditation is posted
I've actually completed this month's page on time for a change. A little bit of calm in a crazy world... Have a look. :-D
Having a little trouble
So, I had to restart my February bead journal project. But since my goal is to "finish" - I'm still trying by Sunday!
Love any feedback on my blog!
Love any feedback on my blog!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Progress on my March BJP
Color Blending
If you are interested I put a post on my blog that looks back over a reoccurring theme in my work.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
February Finished
Monday, February 22, 2010
My February BJP is done...Whew!
I finally finished this months BJP. You can view it here. Again, I found I had to restart this month too. Not sure what's up with that...But, after I made that decision and began again last night, I was able to finish it today. Thank goodness! Hope you enjoy.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I took Robin's advice and did a google search. There is a type of picture jasper called "owyhee" that has the same coloration as my piece, so perhaps that is it.
February piece celebrates my freedom
One year ago I left a job that once upon a time I loved. Unfortunately, things sometimes change ;-) So my February bead-embroidered bracelet celebrates growth, change, and freedom. You can see it on Beading Arts if you'd like.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A Question
I've posted a photo of another page on my blog - I'm wondering if anyone has any idea of what the mineral specimen is that I used. Thanks.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
February already? I just finished January!!!
Hi all...I've finally got something to show. I'm thrilled to be participating for the second time in this project. Please check out my January Progress at
I've been very impressed with all the pieces completed so far...hope I can keep up!
I've been very impressed with all the pieces completed so far...hope I can keep up!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Intertwine - February BJP
My February BJP is posted on my blog Artjourney. My chosen word this month is "intertwine". It was an interesting word to work with although I seemed to have trouble 'getting into' the spirit of it. I'm really enjoying matching my beading to a word each month. It was sort of serendipity to me to have the word picked for this month of February where thoughts of love and connections permeate the month. I hope you'll stop by and see what I came up with for this month and read about some of the thoughts I had while beading.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Little Extra Practice
I finished my ornament for February last week (you can see it here) and then was inspired to start another ornament just for the fun of it. (That's the second time that's happened!) It's nowhere near done yet but if you want to check it out you can see it here and how it all began in the post immediately below.
Magpie Sue
Magpie Sue
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dot's February Secret Treasure
I finished this jar up last week, but the hardest part was to write about it. I must warn you that you might need a handkerchief to read it as my February's Secret Treasure is about a necklace and bracelet my Daddy gave to me when I was two years old. You can find it here.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
February 2010 page is posted
Hi Friends: Just stopping to say I have posted my February Page here. Please visit, and if you have not been there before, please look through a few old posts.
Checking In
Hi Everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I am here and I am beading, I have finished my January page. My computer is down right now so I can't post my pictures. I just took a minute to look through all the wonderful beaded pages that everyone is doing and I'm so inspired. Keep up all the creativity! As soon as my computer gets fixed, I'll post pictures. Not sure how long it will take I'm at the mercy of my DH. Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Heidibeads
Saturday, February 13, 2010
February's "Love Blossoms" is Done
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. I have finished my February piece and it is now posted on my blog if you care to take a look. Thanks!
Indigo's Beads
Indigo's Beads
January is finished
I have finally finished my january piece. It has a long, long story to go with it. You can read it on my blog. I will follow up with a post on what all different parts mean, but this post turned out quite long as it is, so I will keep that for a later time.
Beady greetings.
Beady greetings.
February Done!
You can see my February ornament and read my personal critique of it on my blog, here. I'm also taking suggestions for a title for it. I have the worst time with titles.
So far my BJP ornaments have come to fruition so quickly that I'm seriously thinking of starting a series of ATC's or something on which to practice the stitches and techniques I've seen in Robin's books and elsewhere. My beaded journal quilts were overwhelming at times but apparently these ornaments aren't giving me quite enough beading time to satisfy my soul!
Magpie Sue
So far my BJP ornaments have come to fruition so quickly that I'm seriously thinking of starting a series of ATC's or something on which to practice the stitches and techniques I've seen in Robin's books and elsewhere. My beaded journal quilts were overwhelming at times but apparently these ornaments aren't giving me quite enough beading time to satisfy my soul!
Magpie Sue
Take a Peek
Posted a peek at my May BJP page on my blog. Using lots of 15/0's on this one. I've discovered I need to work on my photography skills when using off white beads. Not sure when I'll find the time to practice. LOL Everyone's pages so far are just wonderful. It's a joy to check all the blogs everyday to see the progress.
First Check In for 2010
Glad to be back for year two and a big THANK YOU to Robin for reminding all of us that there are few if any rules (I guess other than honoring the no pictures until after April 1). Also, I love the new logo for the 2010 BJP.
How am I doing--so far so good. I have actually completed my pieces for January and February and am contemplating starting my March piece. For me, going with a smaller format seems to have helped. We shall see a few more months down the way if this continues to hold true.
At this point I do not have an overall theme and am just approaching it as a means to explore and expand my work. I do seem to be expanding my color palette as a result of being part of the project.
Now to go and update my personal blog to refect that I am now participating in the 2010 project.
Side note for those who may be wondering about my status from 2008. I have 5 of the 7 Chakra pieces completed and still have plans to complete the series.
How am I doing--so far so good. I have actually completed my pieces for January and February and am contemplating starting my March piece. For me, going with a smaller format seems to have helped. We shall see a few more months down the way if this continues to hold true.
At this point I do not have an overall theme and am just approaching it as a means to explore and expand my work. I do seem to be expanding my color palette as a result of being part of the project.
Now to go and update my personal blog to refect that I am now participating in the 2010 project.
Side note for those who may be wondering about my status from 2008. I have 5 of the 7 Chakra pieces completed and still have plans to complete the series.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
February Begun
For those of you who are interested, the second half of the post on my blog today deals with my thoughts and process for beginning my official ornament for February. (I made two ornaments in January and toyed with the idea of counting the second one for February.) One of the reasons I'm happy to be able to see what other folks are doing in these early months is that I've got an idea for solving my current design challenge from what I saw on someone else's BJP piece.
I've also created a new set on my Flickr page for the 2010 BJP. I'm not in the habit of putting up a photo of everything I make so this is a big deal for me!
Magpie Sue
I've also created a new set on my Flickr page for the 2010 BJP. I'm not in the habit of putting up a photo of everything I make so this is a big deal for me!
Magpie Sue
January is finally completed!
Meditative subject or not, it is still kind of exciting to have finally completed the work!
A bunch of people left feedback from my previous post. I hope I answered all the questions with this one.
Now off to find the right beads for February. And maybe some rocks...
Happy beading everyone!
A bunch of people left feedback from my previous post. I hope I answered all the questions with this one.
Now off to find the right beads for February. And maybe some rocks...
Happy beading everyone!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
January almost done
Janaury is almost done now, and thoughts about february are coming to mind. I guess it must seem I am a little off track with time, but then I decided I wanted my pieces to reflect my life and become a journal. Who's to say what lies ahead? We are now halfway through february and my initial plan for this months piece has already changed without even being one bead strung.
I would like to know however where all you folks get those awesome face-cabuchons from. I seem to be unable to find them here (the Netherlands are an underdevelopped country bead-wise). If I could get a hand on them I would love that.
Happy Beadings to all.
I would like to know however where all you folks get those awesome face-cabuchons from. I seem to be unable to find them here (the Netherlands are an underdevelopped country bead-wise). If I could get a hand on them I would love that.
Happy Beadings to all.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Another February Finished
I've finished my february piece earlier than can see it and read about it here.
February Finished
My February piece is posted on my Pinelands Patches and Beadscapes blog. Thanks in advance for taking a peek. I'm enjoying everyone's work so much, and it's an inspiration to be part of this group!
Monday, February 8, 2010
January Bead Journal 2010
I finally posted my January Secret Treasure. You can see the picture of it here and read the story of what I put into January's jar.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
February Project beaded and posted
Not finished yet (I've decided to make "pockets" out of each 5 x 5 piece, stiffen them with an insert of car, and make an accordian book from them) but the beading is done!
I call it "XÄ«n"!
You can see it at
Six Words ~ Basis for my BJP pages
Although I'm off to a rather slow start on February's page, I just posted my six words on my blog, here and later today I plan to start beading the page!
Just a reminder to everyone... please don't post pictures or even detail peeks of your BJP pages here on the three BJP blogs until after April 1st. You're welcome (make that encouraged) to post them on your personal blog, Flickr or other site and then post a link to your pictures here. The reason is because some people don't want to see what others are doing until they have a good start on their own style of page.
The above is a policy we started the first year because some of the participants requested it... Does it still make sense? Should we change it? Thanks for your thoughts about this...
Robin A.
Just a reminder to everyone... please don't post pictures or even detail peeks of your BJP pages here on the three BJP blogs until after April 1st. You're welcome (make that encouraged) to post them on your personal blog, Flickr or other site and then post a link to your pictures here. The reason is because some people don't want to see what others are doing until they have a good start on their own style of page.
The above is a policy we started the first year because some of the participants requested it... Does it still make sense? Should we change it? Thanks for your thoughts about this...
Robin A.
My very first beading challenge entry.

Feeling like a very raw beading gal from Sydney, I am bravely posting a photo of my very first beading entry. I decided on postcards (4 x 6 inches) as my monthy entry - thinking this is managable and it allows for my freewheeling approach to textural interest!
January has been a very busy month (having organised an annual program of workshops for a surface design art group for our State), so here is my minimalmist postcard, called "circling around".
Off topic - Beaded Treasures
This is off the current topic but some might be interested. I've just finished my prototype "beaded treasure" bracelet out of Robin's book. If you're interested then come on over and take a look .
I've also included a link to the Beaded Treasures book.
Happy Beading everyone, Kaite
I've also included a link to the Beaded Treasures book.
Happy Beading everyone, Kaite
While I was journaling this morning - on paper - I had an insight I thought might be helpful to share with other members of the BJP.
This is the second time I've participated in the BJP. The first time was in the first year. My primary media is quilts, not beads, so that first year I made 8.5" x 11" quilts which I then embellished with beads. My intention was to make a ground or base of fabric and then use beads to tell the story each month. It didn't quite work out that way, and now I finally know why (or think I do!).
Because patchwork is my primary form of art making I ended up using fabric and the prints and colors in them to do most of the work in my journal quilts. The beads became merely the icing on the cake. At the time I was frustrated with what I was producing but couldn't figure out why. There was nothing really wrong with the work itself. It just wasn't fulfilling my vision of what I thought the BJP would be for me. That could be the reason I have yet to finish the final two quilts and why I didn't feel comfortable submitting photographs of the completed ten quilts to the BJP website.
This year I made a commitment to use a single piece of fabric as my base (and a much smaller format) in hopes that the beads would then be able to take center stage. It seemed to work in January, and it's looking good for February too. Now, with this insight, I may be able to accomplish the goals I had back in 2007, try out some new-to-me beading techniques, and even finish those two journal quilts!
Magpie Sue
Here's a link to my Flikr set of journal quilts from the first BJP so you can go have a look if you'd like.
This is the second time I've participated in the BJP. The first time was in the first year. My primary media is quilts, not beads, so that first year I made 8.5" x 11" quilts which I then embellished with beads. My intention was to make a ground or base of fabric and then use beads to tell the story each month. It didn't quite work out that way, and now I finally know why (or think I do!).
Because patchwork is my primary form of art making I ended up using fabric and the prints and colors in them to do most of the work in my journal quilts. The beads became merely the icing on the cake. At the time I was frustrated with what I was producing but couldn't figure out why. There was nothing really wrong with the work itself. It just wasn't fulfilling my vision of what I thought the BJP would be for me. That could be the reason I have yet to finish the final two quilts and why I didn't feel comfortable submitting photographs of the completed ten quilts to the BJP website.
This year I made a commitment to use a single piece of fabric as my base (and a much smaller format) in hopes that the beads would then be able to take center stage. It seemed to work in January, and it's looking good for February too. Now, with this insight, I may be able to accomplish the goals I had back in 2007, try out some new-to-me beading techniques, and even finish those two journal quilts!
Magpie Sue
Here's a link to my Flikr set of journal quilts from the first BJP so you can go have a look if you'd like.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February BJP finished!
Here's link to my finished February BJP. It's called 'Every Bead of my Heart'. I really had fun working on this piece and now I'm anxious to get my 'ideas' together for March!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tropic Carnival
I just posted my April page on my blog: I just can't seem to stop beading. Of course the more I use, the more I have to replace. LOL.
My February page can be found at I haven't had much time for beading as I had so much baking to do (all non-calorie creations.)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
January Done
I just posted my January project! You can see it here. I finished last night & am feeling quite proud of myself for being only a day late!
Robin T.
Robin T.
Monday, February 1, 2010
A New Leaf
Not BJP related, but I have posted a new entry to my bead blog, if anyone's interested: Bead Salad.
Ann R.
Ann R.
January Bead Journal Project Finished
Just posted a photo of my Jan. project. I had lots of fun with it.
I am eager to get busy on Febuary. If you are interested in taking a look
you can see it here.
I am eager to get busy on Febuary. If you are interested in taking a look
you can see it here.
Happy New Year!
My January page is almost done, but still needs a little more time. Want to see where I'm at? Click here!